April 6, 2012

A Pinterest Easter

After four and a half years, I finally got to dye some Easter eggs with my kid!  I love Easter and as a kid I always loved dying eggs.  Then I had a child and I didn't think he was ready--scratch that, I didn't think I was ready--to handle the stress and mess egg coloring entails.

Even though I had major surgery less than a week ago today, I was in an Easter-y mood.  I got on Pinterest and found a way to dye eggs with gel dye.  My mom decorates cakes so I had access to dozens of colors.  I  can't drive for another 3 weeks so I had to make do with what we had around the house, since this was a literal last minute family activity.  Every activity deserves a treat and I had my mind set on this recipe for Creme Egg Brownies.  (Maybe this egg dying fest was just an excuse for the brownies?  Can you blame me?)

I called for my husband and boy to come downstairs, "Guys!  Let's go dye some eggs!"  The boy repled, "Dad!  Let's go kill some eggs!"  I guess that's why my parents always called it "coloring" eggs.  Here's how it went!

Tip: The gel dying method calls for boiling water mixed with gel dye and vinegar.  I poured the vinegar in each bowl ahead of time.  Then, I used a toothpick to scoop out some gel.  I just dropped the whole toothpick in each bowl . . . that way all the color gets mixed in when you pour the boiling water on top.

Someone didn't like the vinegar smell . . .

The Hub, showing off with his striped egg.

Yes, I look horrible but I'm on painkillers so I feel gooooood.

If you color on an egg with a white crayon before you dye it, the picture will show up in white afterwards.  The kiddo couldn't resist coloring them AFTER they were already dyed, though.  And yes, he is wearing a purple sequin cape.  I have no explanation for that other than he is very much my child.

 The eggs came out nice but the colors weren't as saturated as I hoped.  Does anyone else suspect that people just paint their eggs and pass them off as dyed?  Just a thought . . . .

I got out some old scrapbooking sticker letters.  Stick them on before you dye the egg and peel it off after it's dry.  Then you'll (hopefully!) have a white letter on your egg.

This is my Creme Egg brownie and it was INSANELY amazing BUT . . . didn't taste EXACTLY like Cabury Creme Eggs.  My mom hates Creme Eggs but loved these brownies!  I would've changed one thing and I could kick myself for thinking of it too late!  The recipe calls for 9 ounces (no joke) of milk chocolate.  I just used a milk chocolate bark but I should've used Cadbury milk chocolate.  I mean, Cadbury chocolate has such a distinct flavor.  That's what really makes the eggs so delicious.  I think that would make the recipe PERFECT.  I'm tempted to make a whole new batch with Cadbury chocolate!

Happy Easter everyone!!!

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