September 24, 2011

For Doug

Last year, I started a tradition.  I made a treasury on Etsy in remembrance of my brother-in-law Doug, who was killed in a cycling accident on September 24, 2009.  I thought I would keep the tradition alive and do it every year so those who see the treasury can remember to share the road.  Every time I see a cyclist I can't help but think of Doug.  I hope today, you may do the same and use caution while driving, cycling or even walking.  Share the road--not only for your safety, but for the safety of others as well.

We love and miss you, Doug!

'Share the Road 2011' by bibliobags

Two years ago today, my brother-in-law Doug was hit by a car and killed while cycling. He was obeying all traffic laws. This treasury is in memory of him. I hope that everyone will remember to share the road today and make it safe for everyone.

Handmade Bike Shelf

Recycled Bicycle Tire C...

Bicycle Bike Willow Wic...

Small Tandem Bicycle We...

Cuff Bracelet Upcycled ...

Fabric Bunting - Bicyc...

Hanging Bicycle Fender ...

Recycled Bike Gear cloc...

Vintage Red Bicycle Sca...

Vintage Wire Bicycle Ba...

Bicycle Chain Ring

Turn of the Century Bic...

Rustic Vintage Bicycle ...

Vintage Mexican Silver ...

Vintage Belgian Bicycle...

Bicycle Letterpress Car...

1 comment:

  1. You are so awesome, Autumn. This is such a great idea. Doug would love it.
